Moderation in nonresidents’ investments in government bonds traded in Israel; continued investment in makam
Bonds and makam traded in Tel Aviv—In September, nonresidents invested about a net $320 million in makam, in continuation of net investments of about $560 million in August. In September, investment in government bonds was around $100 million, a level similar to the average over the past year.
Nonresidents realized about $220 million, net, in government bonds traded abroad.
Investments in Israeli shares: In September, nonresidents invested about $170 million, net, in shares on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE). Similarly, nonresidents invested about $360 million, net, in Israeli shares traded abroad.
Nonresidents' direct investment in Israel: In September, nonresidents' direct investment in Israel via the banking system totaled about $480 million, most of which was concentrated in the biomed industry.
Net realizations by institutional investors in foreign stocks
In September, Israeli residents invested about $280 million in financial assets (stocks and bonds) abroad: Households’ investments in shares and foreign bonds were partly offset by net institutional investor realizations.
Shares: In September, Israeli residents’ net activity in foreign shares traded abroad was heterogeneous: Net investments of about $240 million by households and of about $150 million by the business sector were offset by net realizations of about $390 million by institutional investors, mainly ETFs traded abroad.
Bonds: In September, Israeli residents invested about $290 million, net, in bonds traded abroad, of which about $250 million were by households, and about $70 million were by institutional investors.
Direct investment abroad: In September, Israeli residents made direct investments abroad totaling about $150 million. Most of the investments were made by the insurance industry.
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