As common at most central banks in developed countries, the Bank of Israel will begin holding regular press briefings regarding monetary policy.  The objective is to increase the public’s understanding of the considerations behind the Monetary Committee’s policy decisions.

The briefings will take place every three months, following the publication of the interest rate decision at the end of each quarter.  At the briefings, the Governor will present the background conditions under which policy operated during the quarter and the main factors in the decisions, and will answer questions from the press on these matters.  The Research Department’s quarterly macroeconomic forecast will be published at the same time as the interest rate decision at the end of the quarter, and the Director of the Research Department will also present it during the briefing.  The briefings will be broadcast live on the Bank of Israel’s website.
The first press briefing within this framework will take place on June 22, 2015 at 4:15 pm at the Bank of Israel in Jerusalem.  Notice regarding the interest rate decision for July and notice of the quarterly macroeconomic forecast will be published as normal at 4:00 pm.  Notice regarding registration and participation arrangements for the press briefing will be distributed to media outlets in the next few days.