Identification codes
Identification code allocation
In Israel, payment system participants are identified using a unique identification code for each entity (previously known as a “bank code”). The identification code enables payment service providers to operate in the payment systems, and serves the provider’s customers as part of their account identification information for making or receiving payments.
As part of the process of opening the payment systems to nonbank participants, the Bank of Israel decided that an identification code will be allocated to all payment services providers—bank and nonbank—that meet the conditions for receiving a code. This will lead to a uniform way of identifying all payment service providers in the economy.
The allocation of an identification code is a part of the process of obtaining access. For more information on the full process, please see the access guide published on the Bank of Israel website.
Cumulative conditions for receiving an identification code
Condition One
The entity must have a license, be in the process of obtaining a license, or be exempt from a license.
In accordance with the license types set out in the access conditions that are set from time to time by the Bank of Israel’s Payment Systems Oversight Unit, and as detailed in Appendix 1.
Condition Two
The identification code is required for participation in a controlled payment system or in a payment system that directly interfaces with a controlled payment system that requires the use of an identification code.
An identification code is required for the identification of participants in the controlled payment systems, and in some of them the code also serves payment service customers as part of the identification details of their payment account in order to make and receive payments. Furthermore, there are payment systems that are not controlled, but that interface directly with a controlled payment system that requires its participants to use an identification code.
Bank of Israel discretion
Notwithstanding what is stated in Conditions One and Two, the Bank of Israel is permitted to determine, in special circumstances that justify it, that certain entities shall not be permitted to obtain an identification code. In addition, the Bank of Israel is permitted to allocate an identification code to other entities at its sole discretion. To be clear, the Bank of Israel is permitted to require any document and to enable a requester to make its case before making a final decision on the matter.
The Payment Systems Oversight Division shall determine the process for allocating the code, while making the necessary adaptations and in accordance with the circumstances of the matter.
The code allocation process
In order to ensure that the entity has as much of a chance as possible of operating in the payment system and providing payment services to its customers, the entity will be required to present a number of documents to the Payment Systems Oversight Division.
Contacting the Payment Services Oversight Division
In order to request an identification code, please contact the unit in writing at
The application must include the following details:
- Name of the requesting entity, the payment system in which it wishes to participate, and the type of participation in that system.
- Accompanying documents:
- Entity with a license:
- Final license from the entity’s regulator
- Recommendation from the entity’s regulator that access to the payment system be granted following an examination of the business plan’s feasibility, including discussion of the services that the entity intends to provide to its customers within the payment systems and the requested participation type
- Confirmation from the system operator that a request for participation in the system has been received
- In the case of representation in the payment system by another participant (in rules and/or in settlement and/or in technical connection)—approval of such representation from the system operator
- An entity in the process of obtaining a license:
- Confirmation of initial suitability for a license from the entity’s regulator or a conditional/temporary/initial license from the entity’ regulator
- Recommendation from the entity’s regulator that access to the payment system be granted following an examination of the business plan’s feasibility, including discussion of the services that the entity intends to provide to its customers within the payment systems and the requested participation type.
- Confirmation from the system operator that a request for participation in the system has been received
- In the case of representation in the payment system by another participant (in rules and/or in settlement and/or in technical connection)—approval of such representation from the system operator
- An entity exempt from a license:
- Documentation of the license exemption
- Confirmation from the system operator that a request for participation in the system has been received
- Confirmation from the system operator of the existence of a representing participant in the rules, settlement, or technical connection in the payment system.
The Payment Systems Oversight Division will examine whether the code applicant meets the conditions for obtaining an identification code. If the request meets these conditions, the Division will approve the allocation of an identification code.
If a code is allocated as stated, and not used in accordance with the entity’s request in the payment system within two years from its allocation, the allocation will be cancelled. Cancellation of the allocation will be announced in a press release.
Allocation of an identification code by the Banking and Financial Services Unit of the Bank of Israel’s Accounting Division
The Banking and Financial Services Unit of the Bank of Israel’s Accounting Division is responsible for the actual allocation and management of identification codes. An identification code will be allocated after the entity that wishes to participate in the payment systems receives certification from the Bank of Israel’s Payment Systems Oversight Division.
The Banking and Financial Services Unit in the Bank of Israel’s Accounting Division will allocate an identification code to an eligible entity subject to a first-come first-served policy, based on the date on which the Payment Systems Oversight Division approves the allocation of the code to the participant. The applicant will receive notice of the code number allocated to it, in parallel with the press release published regarding the allocation.
The actual use of the code number will follow its publication, and the code allocated to the entity will serve to identify it in all payment systems in which it is a participant.
Following the allocation of an identification code, and in order to complete the process, the entity will be required to send the system operator the necessary information to assimilate the code into its systems. The payment system operators and participants will have to prepare for assimilation of the code in their systems no later than three months from the date the information is completed by the applicant.
Such preparations are necessary along the entire transaction chain in that system.
Identification codes list
Identification codes | שם הגוף | The entity name |
0 | קוד לשימוש פנימי בכל גוף | For internal use at any institution |
1 | ישראכרט בע"מ | Isracard Ltd |
2 | כרטיסי אשראי לישראל בע"מ | Israel Credit Cards Ltd |
3 | בנק אש ישראל בע״מ | Bank Esh Israel LTD |
4 | בנק יהב לעובדי המדינה בע"מ | Bank Yahav for State Employees Ltd |
5 | טרנזילה בע"מ | Tranzila Ltd |
6 | מקס איט פיננסים בע"מ | Max It Finance Ltd |
7 | קארדקום סליקה בע"מ | Cardcom Acquiring LTD |
8 | בנק הספנות לישראל בע"מ | Israel Shipping Bank Ltd |
9 | חברת בנק הדואר בע"מ | Postal Bank Company Ltd |
10 | בנק לאומי לישראל בע"מ | Bank Leumi Le-Israel Ltd |
11 | בנק דיסקונט לישראל בע"מ | Israel Discount Bank Ltd |
12 | בנק הפועלים בע"מ | Bank Hapoalim Ltd |
13 | בנק אגוד לישראל בע"מ | Union Bank of Israel Ltd |
14 | בנק אוצר החייל בע"מ | Bank Otsar Hahayal Ltd |
15 | אופק אגודת אשראי שיתופית בע"מ | Ofek Credit Union Ltd |
17 | בנק מרכנתיל דיסקונט בע"מ | Mercantile Discount Bank Ltd |
18 | וואן זירו הבנק הדיגיטלי בע"מ | One Zero Digital Bank ltd |
20 | בנק מזרחי טפחות בע"מ | Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot Ltd |
21 | נימה שפע ישראל בע"מ | Neema Shefa Israel ltd |
22 | סיטיבאנק, אן.איי | Citibank N.A |
23 | אייצ' אס בי סי בנק | HSBC Bank plc |
24 | בנק אמריקאי ישראלי בע"מ | American Israel Bank Ltd |
25 | בי אן פי פאריבס אס איי | BNP Paribas Israel |
26 | יובנק בע"מ | U-Bank Ltd |
28 | בנק קונטיננטל לישראל בע"מ | Continental Bank of Israel Ltd |
31 | הבנק הבינלאומי הראשון לישראל בע"מ | First International Bank of Israel Ltd |
32 | בנק למימון ולסחר בע"מ | Finance and Trade Bank Ltd |
33 | בנק מרכנתיל לישראל בע"מ | Mercantile Bank of Israel Ltd |
34 | בנק ערבי ישראלי בע"מ | Arab-Israeli Bank Ltd |
35 | גרואו פיימנטס בע"מ | GROW PAYMENTS LTD |
37 | בנק אלאורדון | Bank of Jordan |
38 | בנק אל תיג'ארי אלפלסטיני | Commercial Bank of Palestine |
39 | דה סטייט בנק אוף אינדיה | State Bank of India |
43 | בנק אלאהאלי אלאורדוני | Jordan National Bank |
46 | בנק מסד בע"מ | Bank Massad Ltd |
47 | גלובל רמיט שירותי מטבע בע"מ | Global Remit - Currency Services Ltd |
48 | קופת העובד הלאומי לאשראי וחיסכון נתניה | National Worker's Credit and Savings Fund Netanya |
49 | אלבנק אלערבי | Arab Bank plc |
50 | מרכז סליקה בנקאי בע"מ | Bank Settlement Center Ltd. (MASAV) |
52 | בנק פועלי אגודת ישראל בע"מ | Poalei Agudat Yisrael Bank Ltd |
54 | בנק ירושלים בע"מ | Bank of Jerusalem Ltd |
58 | רי ווייר א ס ג מחקר ופיתוח בע"מ | REWIRE (O.S.G) RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LTD |
59 | שירותי בנק אוטומטיים | Automatic Bank Services (Shva) |
62 | שירותי קורספונדנציה בע"מ | Correspondent Services Ltd |
66 | בנק אלקאהירה עמאן | Cairo-Amman Bank |
67 | בנק אלעקארי אלערבי | Arab Land Bank |
68 | בנק מוניציפל בע"מ | Municipal Bank Ltd |
69 | גי אם טי טק אינוביישן בע"מ | GMT Tech Innovation LTD |
71 | בנק אלאורדון ואלחליג' | Jordan Gulf Bank |
73 | בנק אלאסלאמי אלערבי | Arab Islamic Bank |
74 | בנק HSBC המזרח התיכון | HSBC Bank Middle East |
75 | וי צ'ק בע"מ | V-CHECK LTD |
76 | בנק אלאסתתמאר אלפלסטיני | Palestine Investment Bank |
78 | רבולוט | REVOLUT LTD |
79 | 019 שירותי תשלום בע"מ | 019 Payment Services ltd |
82 | בנק אלקודס ללתמניה וללסתתמר | Al-Quds Bank for Development and Investment |
83 | בנק אלאתיחאד ללדיכאר ואלאסתתמאר | Union Bank for Savings and Investment |
84 | בנק אלאסכאן | The Housing Bank |
85 | יופיי סליקה בע"מ | UPAY ACQUIRING LTD |
86 | אטמס מטריקס בע"מ | A.T.M.S Matrix Ltd |
89 | בנק פלסטין | Bank of Palestine |
92 | אוקורה טרייד פלואו בע"מ | OKOORA TRADE FLOW LTD |
93 | בנק אלאורדון ואלכווית | Jordan Kuwait Bank |
94 | גמא ניהול וסליקה בע"מ | Gama Management and Clearing LTD |
97 | גופים מיוחדים | Special Entities |
99 | בנק ישראל | Bank of Israel |
To download the list of identification codes in a file, please click here.
Appendix 1 – License types that allow access to the payment systems
- Banking corporation / merchant acquirer (prudential payment service provider)
- Auxiliary corporation that has received approval from the Banking Supervision Department
- Deposit and credit union
- Financial asset service provider (corporation)
- Credit intermediation system operator (corporation)
- Payment company—after the Regulation of Business in Payment Services and Payment Initiation Law, 5783–2023 takes effect
- An entity exempt from a payment company license, since the means of payment is restricted to a low amount or volume as set forth in the regulations based on the Regulation of Business in Payment Services and Payment Initiation Law, 5783–2023 once they are complete.
- The Postal Bank