Investment in government bonds
Bonds and makam: In July 2012, there was net investment by nonresidents of about $510 million in government bonds and about $10 million in makam, compared with sales of some $1.5 billion in government bonds and some $3.3 billion in makam since the beginning of the year. Some $400 million of government bonds traded abroad were sold in July.
Israeli shares: In July, nonresidents invested a net $260 million in shares on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), in contrast to net sales of some $280 million in May and June combined. Nonresidents invested a net $40 million in Israeli shares traded abroad.
Nonresidents' direct investment: In July, nonresidents' net direct investment in Israel via domestic banks totaled about $360 million, most of which was invested in the manufacturing sector.
Sales of foreign securities by the business sector
Shares: In July, net sales by Israeli residents of foreign shares traded abroad totaled some $120 million; sales of some $290 million by the business sector were partially offset by investments by institutional investors.
Bonds: In July, residents sold a net $30 million in tradable bonds abroad—institutional investors sold a net $150 million, which was partially offset by net investments by the business sector and households.
Direct investment abroad: In July, residents sold a net $100 million in direct investment abroad.