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Increased investments in Israeli shares and continued sales of government bonds

Bonds and makam
: In July, nonresidents sold around $310 million, net, in government bonds traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Preliminary figures for August indicate net sales of about $170 million in government bonds and net investment of about $10 million in makam. In parallel, there was net investment of about $70 million in government bonds traded abroad.

Investments in Israeli shares
: In July, nonresidents invested approximately a net $320 million in shares on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), following net investments of about $970 million in January–June. Preliminary figures for August indicate net sales of about $50 million in TASE-traded shares.

Nonresidents' direct investment
: In July, nonresidents' net direct investment in Israel totaled about $230 million, which were spread among a large number of companies.

Institutional investors resumed investments in foreign shares

: In July, institutional investors made significant net investments of about $1.2 billion in shares traded abroad, following net sales of about $750 million in April-June.  Households made net investments of about $180 million in shares traded abroad, and the business sector made net investments of about $160 million.

: In July, Israeli residents invested about $370 million, net, abroad.  Institutional investors invested about $290 million in this channel, in parallel to net investments of about $100 million by households. These investments were partially offset by a small volume of net sales by the business sector.

Direct investments abroad: In July, residents invested about $20 million, net, in direct investment abroad, most of which was by companies from the high technology industry.


