Net direct investments by nonresidents
Financial investments in Israel:
Bonds and makam traded in Tel Aviv: In October, nonresidents invested a net total of about $130 million in government bonds traded in Tel Aviv, further to net investments of about $350 million in September. Nonresidents realized about $90 million, net, in makam in October, further to net realizations of about $110 million in September.
Investments in Israeli shares: In October, nonresidents realized about $280 million, net, in Israeli shares traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), in contrast to net investments of about $160 million in September. There were net investments in October of about $210 million in Israeli shares traded abroad.
Nonresidents' direct investment in Israel: In October, nonresidents' direct investment in Israel via the banking system totaled about $500 million. Activity was concentrated in the manufacturing and production industry and in the information and communications industry.
Net direct investment abroad and net realizations in foreign financial shares traded abroad, mainly by institutional investors
Financial investments abroad:
In October, Israeli residents realized about $110 million, net, in financial investments (stocks and bonds) abroad, in contrast to net investments of about $1.1 billion in September.
Shares: In October, Israeli residents realized about $160 million, net, in foreign shares traded abroad: There were net realizations of about $80 million by institutional investors. There were also net realizations of $40 million each by the household and business sectors.
Bonds: In October, Israeli residents invested about $50 million, net, in foreign bonds traded abroad. There were net investments of about $40 million households and about $20 million by the business sector. In contrast, there were net realizations of about $10 million by institutional investors.
Direct investment abroad: In October, there was net direct investment abroad by Israeli residents, only through the banking system, of about $450 million, mainly investment in one company in the manufacturing and production industry. This was in contrast to net realizations of about $150 million in September.
Further information and details on this subject are available at the following link:

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