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Inflation Report 2001, July-December
Governor's letter
Jerusalem, January 24, 2002
The Inflation Report1 for the second half of 2001 is submitted to the
government, the Knesset, and the public as part of the process of monitoring the course of inflation and adherence to the inflation targets set by the government, and is intended to increase the transparency-and credibility-of monetary policy. Transparency in the management of macroeconomic policy is important for enhancing the degree of certainty required by foreign and domestic investors. The year 2001 marked the end of a decade in which monetary policy brought Israel's annual inflation rate down from 15-20 percent to the low rate accepted in western countries-less than 3 percent. The disinflationary process in Israel was implemented by the framework of annual inflation targets, the last of which was set in August 2000 as the range from 1 to 3 percent-defined as price stability-in 2003 and subsequently. At that time, slightly higher rates were set for 2001 and 2002, the object being to determine a path of convergence to price stability. During the years of the inflation target regime the actual rate deviated several times from the targets; in the distant past the deviation was above the target, and in the last three years it has been below it. Despite the deviations, this framework has been very beneficial for Israel's economy, and continues to be so. Since the public perceives monetary policy as being credible because it is committed to the inflation target, this has helped to preserve price stability and financial stability in Israel despite an environment of shocks that threatened to undermine stability. Nonetheless, as in other countries with annual inflation targets, inflation cannot be expected to always remain within the calendar year target because of factors over which there is no control in the short term and which are described in this report. Fiscal developments in 2001 gave cause for grave concern. The budget deficit was far higher than planned, and the share of the government ture of tax receipts. The recession currently affecting Israel is largely the outcome of the global slowdown and the security situation. To enable the country to find itself at a favorable starting point once the global recovery begins, it is necessary to maintain stability continuously and to implement the required reforms now. * * * On 23rd December the Bank of Israel announced a unique and exceptional monetary measure by reducing its key interest rate by 2 percentage points. This was made possible by a combination of circumstances: 1. The government expressed its readiness to act to restore control of the budget by slashing the expenditure outlined in its original budget and returning to a declining deficit path for 2002-2005; 2. The government decided to take steps in the financial sphere; these included removing the ceiling on the issuance of government bonds, serving to make monetary policy more efficient and open up a non-banking money market, making the exchange-rate band still more flexible by lowering and flattening its lower limit, and completing the cancellation of foreign-currency control by enlarging institutional investors' possibilities of diversifying their asset portfolios abroad; 3. Assessments that the actual and expected inflation rate would moderate, after accelerating in 2001:III, as well as that real economic activity would slow. Note that the purpose of these economic policy modifications is to help the economy cope with the slowdown that has resulted from the global slump, in the US in particular, and also from the security incidents. It is to this end that agreement has been reached by the government and the Bank of Israel to alter the macroeconomic policy mix, i.e., greater fiscal restraint, in order to lower long-term interest, and looser monetary policy, in order to reduce short-term interest. It was also decided that measures would be introduced in the money, and foreign-exchange markets. It is unreasonable to expect the current level of short-term interest-rate stability to be maintained if all the other components of policy are not implemented as planned. Assessments to this effect will be expressed in the public's response in the financial markets, foremost among them the markets for foreign currency and bonds, as well as in Israel's credit rating in the world. --------------------------------------------------- 1 This document also serves as a Report on the Expansion of the Money Supply, in accordance with section 35 of the Bank of Israel Law, 5714-1954, following the 15.9 percent rise in the money supply from December 2000 to December 2001. The development of the monetary aggregates is described in section IIa 7-10 of this report. David Klein Governor Summary * During the second half of 2001 (the period reviewed), the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 0.3 percent, bringing the cumulative rise for the year to 1.4 percent. This is below the inflation target for the year, but is in line with the long-term target of price stability, i.e., 1-3 percent inflation. * Developments in the period reviewed took place against the background of greater uncertainty in Israel and abroad, and the increased severity of the slowdown in economic activity, mainly in the last quarter. In Israel the deterioration resulted from the worsening of the worldwide situation following the terrorist attacks on the US in September, and also from the continuation of the intifada. These served to moderate price increases, but also increased the degree of uncertainty and the economy's vulnerability. * The government's fiscal policy was another cause of greater uncertainty in the period reviewed. The budget deficit at the end of 2001 was 4.6 percent of GDP, while the planned deficit had been 1.75 percent. It also became apparent that according to the budget for 2002 approved by the government in September 2001, a deviation from the planned deficit would occur again in 2002. This expansionary policy and the lack of consistent efforts by the government to achieve decreasing government debt and deficit targets to reach the norms in advanced countries made it impossible to adopt a more expansionary monetary policy without endangering stability. * In these circumstances interest-rate policy continued to follow the path of steady, cautious reductions. From July until 25 December the interest rate was reduced by one percentage point, and since the beginning of the year by a total of 2.4 percentage points. The moderate pace of reductions was aimed at providing a firm foundation for price and financial stability, particularly in the light of the rise in the degree of uncertainty during the period reviewed-especially in the third quarter-which threatened to undermine stability. * Against the background described above, the stability of the domestic foreign-currency market stood out like a beacon. The NIS depreciated against the dollar in 2001:III by a cumulative 4.5 percent, and in 2001:IV the trend reversed into one of appreciation. The changes in the exchange rate occurred with low volatility and spreads and with relatively high levels of trade. This behavior of the foreign-currency market, particularly in the light of the sharp drop in foreign investments, was the result of the greater sophistication and deepening of the market. * On 25 December the Bank of Israel cut the rate of interest by an exceptional 2 percentage points. The background to this unusual step was the government's decision to return to the declining government-debt path, cutting the expenses in the original budget for 2002, and setting a downward-sloping path for the budget deficit until 2005. The exceptional cut in the interest rate was intended to help the economy recover from the recession as evidenced by growing unemployment and reduced inflation. The cut in the interest rate was accompanied by other measures-decided upon in cooperation with the government-designed to help develop the financial markets and increase their flexibility. The decision to make an exceptional cut in the interest rate was taken in the light of a combination of special circumstances; in the future, the monthly interest-rate decisions will again adjust the rate gradually in order to maintain price and financial stability. The full document, in zipped PDF file - 1.27MB |
Inflation Report 2001, July - December
דו"ח האינפלציה 2001 - המחצית השנייה